Bergstop Cozybags: multifunctional outdoor sleeping bags with arms

Watch the sunset or sunrise
in front of your tent,
then go back to sleep

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  • cozybag light
camping schlafsack

CozyBag is a wearable sleeping bag and the perfect companion for traveling, outdoor and leisure! The bottom opening allows you to sit, stand and walk anytime you need without leaving the warm comfort behind. It can be quickly converted into a comfortable sleeping bag for the night in the tent, in a camper, on a friend’s sofa or a hostels bed. The arms allow you to sleep in any position and grab your torch or phone anytime. Enjoy freedom to move and unrivalled comfort in your sleep!

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Sleep in any position with your arms
free, transform it in seconds
to get up and walk around

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    Stay at your friends home after a party

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    Relaxing Around The Home

    Enjoy the first days of spring in the garden

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    Sleep Anywhere

    The SilkLiner is your private bedsheet

Enjoy the freedom while camping,
move in and out of your tent or

Once reached the campsite, you may take a nap in the van or the tent, sit around to chill out or have a short walk. You don’t need to change clothes all the time, the CozyBag keeps you warm and flexible.

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    Take a walk around the Campsite anytime

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    Do whatever you like in your CozyBag

Stay comfortable while waiting
for that perfect early morning

The warmer Wilderness is perfect for bird-watchers, wildlife photographers, fishers and hunters or all who want a discreet colour for a low profile while camping or staying outdoors for long time. The special hand opening makes it easy to grab your equipment anytime and the fabric minimizes noise when moving.

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    Wildlife Photography

    Discreetly blend into nature and stay warm

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    Hunting And Forestry

    Special features keep you comfortable but ready

Windproof and water repellent,
perfect choice for a day by
the lake

  • cozybag
  • cozybag
  • cozybag
  • cozybag
  • guter schlafsack


    Wrap up anywhere you feel cold

  • schlafsack 5


    Take a break and relax where you like

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    Comes in handy in unexpected situations